About the Programme

Gandhi used the power of his spirit and his incredible acumen to awaken change in the hearts of millions of people ~ an insurmountable feat that inspires and touches us even today.

He operated in a Being centred way, accessing his true inner self, constantly evolving and transforming, making the impossible possible, with complete equanimity.

We have created an incredible and intense journey for you to immerse into Gandhi’s world anduncover the Gandhi within. You will absorb the key tenets of his leadership, founded on the deep realisation that human beings have an intrinsic power within, which when tapped, can unleash greatness and goodness.


This programme is for senior leaders who:


Have a deep desire to pursue a new type of leadership that is aligned to the current world today


Want to bring out the greatness of their leadership and contribute positively to the world


Are keen to scale initiaves that have a tremendous impact in the world


Key Takeaways

Role plays, peer learning and tête-à-têtes with Gandhians Transformational sessions that allow you to go within & emerge in your greatness

Experiential learning through visits that bring alive Gandhi’s life, philosophy and values

Contemplative sojourns providing the space for insights and realisations to emerge

An impactful project that you take on which focuses on Gandhi’s Unfinished Business (Gandhi would have worked on creating equality, brotherhood, self reliant and inclusive communities, whilst loving and trusting every human being). There will be 3 Online group sessions over 3 months on the project.

Key Takeaways