Application Process

Thank you for your interest in the Lead Like Gandhi Fellowship. You will need to be nominated by a Guardian or an Ambassador who believes that you can contribute greatly to the well-being of our world, and to whom this Fellowship can have powerful value and impact.
There are 4 steps to the Application Process
Step 1 : Get Nominated by a Guardian
You may have a Guardian that has nominated you for this Fellowship or you can choose one of the Guardians / Ambassadors from the profiles in the slider below.
Please ensure you fit the nomination criteria below
Step 2 : Contribution Structure
The contribution every Fellow makes is to Head Held High Foundation, a non-profit that is in action in accordance to Gandhiji’s principles – to help eradicate poverty in the world. Your contribution covers the program activities, accommodation, materials, local travel and food (Travel to Fellowship venue is not covered). The stay is a comfortable one, either at a Heritage hotel or at a 5 star hotel.
Your contribution is voluntary and has been categorised based on the sector you are involved in and the size of the organisation. You can also contribute what you want if you are financially constrained and we can consider some part scholarships.
Recommended Contributions :
NGO / Charities / Government Organisation:
5000 – 8000 USD (INR 3.5 – 6L)
Medium Sized Companies:
(USD 10 – 200 million in Revenues)
12000 – 15000 USD (INR 8.5 – 10.5L)
Large Sized Companies:
(USD 200million > in Revenues)
18000 – 20000 USD (INR 12.5 – 14L)
Step 3 : Expression of Interest

Nominations are made by Ambassadors and Guardians for the Lead Like Gandhi Fellowship. If you are interested and would like to get nominated, please do connect with one of the Ambassadors and Guardians that you may know.
Help us get to know you. Please respond to these questions thoughtfully, and after some reflection. Capture your responses to the questions below in a short video.
Step 4 : Committee Review
The Admissions Committee will then review the expression of interest and the video, perhaps engage in another conversation with you, and provide an answer in 2 weeks. The Applications Committee consists of members from the Gandhi Ashram and Head Held High Foundation.
We are excited to have Fellows who can be powerful change Agents in the World.